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Separation and Divorce

It is always sad and difficult at the end of a marriage or relationship. Not only does it mean hard times emotionally, you may also face financial difficulties if your property is not shared fairly between you and your spouse, or you may face hard choices about looking after your children.

At Mahony Family Lawyers we have the experience, knowledge and understanding to assist you, no matter what your family situation.

Call us today on 02 9018 9408 or send an email to info@mahonylawyers.com.au to make an appointment with one of our family lawyers.

Divorce with no blame and with minimal conflict

With professional legal advice and support, a divorce can go ahead without adding more stress and emotional pain to a situation that is already very hard.

Since 1975, Australian law has not blamed either spouse for the breakdown of a marriage, and while Courts are involved – they consider the facts of every divorce case – it isn’t always necessary to appear in Court for long. All you need to show is that your married relationship has broken down and can’t recover. This is demonstrated in law by a 12-month separation; you and your spouse could live separately or even in the same home, but what you need to show is that your married relationship is over.

Separation and Divorces in Court

Divorce cases are heard in the Family Court or the Federal Circuit Court. Often, both spouses do agree to divorce and divide their property without the Court having to make decisions for them. The Court can then grant Consent Orders.

However, sometimes it isn’t possible for an agreement to be reached. Court hearings can be very emotional, stressful and anxiety inducing.  

Rest assured that whatever your situation, at Mahony Family Lawyers we have the knowledge and the dedication to negotiate and argue for your rights and your needs, while helping you find ways to support yourself in your community at what will be a stressful time in your life.

divorce no blame

separation divorce domestic violence

Separation, Divorce and Domestic Violence

If you are seeking a separation or divorce because you are in an abusive relationship, we can put you in touch with community organisations who can help keep you safe. Our team of Parramatta Family Lawyers have long-standing contacts with many organisations all around Sydney that help families in harmful situations.

At a time safe to you please contact our team by telephone on 02 9018 9408 or by email at info@mahonylawyers.com.au to obtain advice about your separation.

Legal advice from Mahony Family Lawyers on Separation and Divorce

If you feel that separation or divorce is the right or necessary option in your situation, you will need clear and practical advice and strong legal representation to reach the best agreement that you can, while minimising your distress. With our knowledgeable, experienced team and caring approach, Mahony Family Lawyers is the law firm that can help you.

Recent ‘Separation & Divorce’ Articles

Separated but living under one roof

Separated But Living Under One Roof – What Does This Mean For My Divorce?

In Australia, the only ground for divorce is that the marriage has broken down irretrievably, that is, that there is no prospect of the parties resuming the relationship. This is proved to the Court by the evidence that you and your spouse have been separated for at least 12 months. It is possible to be […]
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Take the next step and let us assist you with our practical family law advice, call us now on 02 9018 9408

info@mahonylawyers.com.au Mon – Fri  9.00am – 1 .00pm &  2.00pm – 5.00pm

Our Team of Family Lawyers

Jillian Morrison - Principal Solicitor Mahony Lawyers

Jillian Morrison

Principal Solicitor | Family Lawyer Parramatta

Our Separation & Divorce Services Are Available in the Following Areas